Tourism in the circular economy

How One Tourism Business Is Leading Tourism Sustainability in the Bega Valley, N.S.W

Guests enjoying a long table lunch at the Wool Shed Burragate Eden Valley NSW

Guests enjoying the first Long Table Lunch at The Wool Shed


At DTM Tourism, we’ve long talked about the importance of Tourism Community in destination development and the importance of working together to create amazing visitor experiences that sing authenticity and passion.  After all, a visitor knows nothing of local politics or municipal boundaries, but they sure notice unhealthy rivalry amongst businesses and disinterested service. A business that demonstrates advocacy for its neighbours and sustainable practices to lift the whole community up, lies at the heart of the Circular Economy and tourism is one of the leading sectors that can influence real, positive change.

Recently, we’ve had the pleasure of working with Sahra and Hamish Dixon who own The Wool Shed, at Burragate in the Bega Valley on the NSW Far South Coast.  The Wool Shed is a reimagined shearing shed, hosting intimate farm-to-table events on a charming working farm which runs both sheep and Angus Beef Cattle.   Sahra and Hamish were referred to us as a mentee business in our PRIME Mentoring Program, guiding a cluster of businesses supported by the Sapphire Coast Tourism Future 2030 initiative.

A repurposed wool shed used for an event space

The Wool Shed has been reimagined as a creative event space


Sahra and Hamish came to us with a concept to reimagine a use for their 1860’s woolshed as an event space where they could not only showcase their produce, but that of the Bega Valley.

“Our philosophy is a simple one; celebrate the seasons, and our local region while treading lightly using sustainable and regenerative farming practices” says Sahra.

They recognized that visitors to the region were demonstrating a renewed consciousness for food production, but few businesses were open for visitors where they could clearly connect the dots between paddock and plate.  The vision was to create an event space to hold long table lunches and artisan workshops, with the intent to not only attract visitors to the farm, but also build awareness for regional products that would result in retail growth for local producers.

After refining the concepts with their DTM mentor, the first experiences were launched in November 2022, with a locally inspired menu including Pambula oysters with pomelo mignonette, Tilba cheese board, spiced spring lamb, Asparagus with whipped ricotta and herbs, Saffron braised fennel, French Lentil and carrot salad, Blood orange sponge cake. Not surprisingly, the events were a great success with the first artisan workshop completely selling out.

Local produce from Sahra and Hamish’s farm is served accompanied by regional delicacies


Collaboration is a natural approach to business for Sahra and Hamish and it’s a philosophy which has been championed in the region by the Bega Circular Valley ; a cooperative of local businesses supported by the Bega Shire Council, who are on a mission to make the Bega Valley “the most circular valley in Australia and a lighthouse regional development project”. The cooperative facilitates the delivery of circular projects, investment in critical infrastructure and community initiatives, which in 2022 launched with the Bega Circular Valley Challenge; a support programme to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable business development.

With encouragement, advice and guidance from DTM, the Wool Shed applied for an opportunity for grant funding through the Bega Circular Valley Challenge, which required a 3 minute pitch to a panel and community including local Mayor Russel Fitzpatrick, and Executive Chairman of the Bega Group, Barry Irvin.

Not only did Sahra and Hamish became finalists but they went on to win the top prize for Best Circular Business; a fantastic result for a start-up business and a great example of how communities together with private enterprise can achieve positive tourism outcomes. Their plans for developing more visitor experiences are now looking very bright indeed!

Sahra Dixon awarded Best Circular Business from Barry Irvin, Executive Chairman - Bega Group


DTM Tourism work with businesses, regions and industry stakeholders across Australia to create inspired visitor experiences and sustainable tourism destinations.


Agritourism at work in the murchison